Brazil daily cruising with new mobile platform

Jun 24, 2015 at 07:23 pm by Staff

Brazilian daily Cruzeiro do Sul is using Miles33's VirtualNewspaper platform for a new mobile edition.

Distributor GSI Media Group implemented the system at the newspaper in Sorocaba, São Paulo, enabling the publisher to target new readers who would not normally read printed editions.

Editor in chief José Carlos Fineis says the digital editions dramatically enhance the news reading experience through multimedia content such as video, audio, photo galleries and interactive links: "In my 35 years of professional experience at the paper, I have never seen the newspaper undergo such significant change. Our readers want more than just the news so we are not only changing the face of things, or deploying news tools, we are redefining our way of thinking on how to present information and news content," he says.

The paper hopes to attract new, young, audiences in the 20s and 30s as well as the more traditional readers. The new digital edition - free to print subscribers - is available on smartphones and tablets using Android, iPhones and iPads, laptops and desktops.

Advertising manager Olavo Crespo says digital web is no longer a trend: "You either have digital editions or you are left behind.

"We now have many new marketing options to allow our advertisers to reach new customers and target audiences. Our universe is multiplatform," he says.

Sections: Digital business


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