Former CCI Europe sales director Kim Svendsen has joined WAN-Ifra to lead efforts to grow and engage the organisation’s global membership. Best known for his roles with...
Former CCI Europe sales director Kim Svendsen has joined WAN-Ifra to lead efforts to grow and engage the organisation’s global membership. Best known for his roles with...
The United States’ second-oldest – and “the South’s oldest” – daily newspaper is to drop two days in what it calls a “strategic shift...
Data shows players spend more than 12 times as long on some puzzles as they do on an average news article, encouraging Nine to use them to help drive premium subscription bund...
Former CCI Europe sales director Kim Svendsen has joined WAN-Ifra to lead efforts to grow and engage the organisation’s global membership. Best known for his roles with...
In this digital age, I suppose we’ve all become accustomed to quick bites of information. With that in mind - and in honour of the final days of 2024 and the early part...
US tariffs on Canadian newsprint would have likely resulted in domestic mills also charging more, without boosting production, the country’s National Newspaper Associati...
What makes a story newsworthy? The answer to that question used to be determined by newsrooms alone – the point of view was purely journalistic (writes Cecilia Campbell)...
Pictured: Bennett Coleman & Co executive committee chairman Sivakumar Sundaram (centre with QIPC-EAE group chairman Menno Jansen) and (from left) Times of India capex ma...