TikTok appeals as search, referral traffic falls

While the Paris Olympics and the US presidential election may drive an increase in search traffic, it’s unlikely to rebound to past levels. Yet while new research indic...

TikTok appeals as search, referral traffic falls

While the Paris Olympics and the US presidential election may drive an increase in search traffic, it’s unlikely to rebound to past levels. Yet while new research indic...


More change in NZ as Denholm sells out to Stuff

Andrew Denholm’s National Media has sold the Wairarapa Times-Age to Stuff after a decades-long relationship with rival NZME, formerly APN New Zealand. Denholm and journ...

Apoplexy and indigestion with West’s $1m ‘chicken feed’
Historic papers back on the rails after brief pause at Station
Café society: Local publishers meet up in Port Douglas


TikTok appeals as search, referral traffic falls

While the Paris Olympics and the US presidential election may drive an increase in search traffic, it’s unlikely to rebound to past levels. Yet while new research indic...

Where ‘your neighbour in court’ goes unreported
Marketing leaders head to Goldie for invitation-only event
More orderly comments strategy wins friends and subs


Inquiry to probe Meta as News renews Google, reports change

Hot-foot from LINA’s summit in North Queensland, Australia’s federal communications minister Michelle Rowland has announced an inquiry to probe issues around Meta&...

WIJ workshop: The ‘kids are all right’ but burnout is an issue
Dore steps up at The West as McPherson prompts SWM shuffle


Automated real estate brings news close to home

What makes a story newsworthy? The answer to that question used to be determined by newsrooms alone – the point of view was purely journalistic (writes Cecilia Campbell)...