Tools aid video delivery standardisation

Jun 11, 2014 at 12:51 pm by Staff

Video advertising platform SpotXchange says it has added tools for VPAID 2.0 support in HTML 5 environments across mobile and connected devices.

These give advertisers more control over the display experience of their videos campaigns.

VPAID 2.0 is an IAB standard that gives advertisers the ability to run one campaign across multiple video players and devices without creating different versions for each type of device.

The new tools allow for a more diverse and interactive set of video advertising in HTML 5 environments across desktop, mobile, and tablet devices where Adobe Flash is not enabled or desired.

SpotXchange chief executive Mike Shehan says publishers will be able to maximise yields by accepting premium interactive campaigns: “VPAID 2.0 compliant publishers should expect to sell more in-stream video inventory as advertisers migrate to the standard,” he says.

“Adhering to industry standards that make ad delivery to all devices more seamless is a critical step in (keeping) pace with device proliferation.”

Sections: Digital business


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