Newsmedia industry

Been there, done that: Rupert on life after banks

Dec 09, 2008 at 04:45 pm by Staff

With his Chinese-born wife and two young daughters, you’d reckon Rupert Murdoch (77) would know a thing or two about staying fit and young-at-heart. And on the corporate crisi.... Read More

Up and running: The press than gives Fairfax metro daily print capacity in Brisbane

Dec 09, 2008 at 04:34 pm by Staff

It had been an indifferent week on the stockmarket: Gerry Harvey was all for “lining all the short-sellers up against a wall and shooting them” ... and Fairfax Media had falle.... Read More

The tough get going

Dec 09, 2008 at 04:29 pm by Staff

When the going gets tough, opportunities occur... and the present economic situation is already showing the value of being prepared. And after a period of prosperity, Austr.... Read More

IfraExpo retrospective: Rhythm and blues

Dec 09, 2008 at 04:25 pm by Staff

In a market dogged by uncertainty, it struck me that there was a divide at IfraExpo in Amsterdam: A ‘no-depression zone’ in the digital halls ... and a heavy-metal area determ.... Read More

Determined to be lucky: SWUG sets programme for Albury event

Dec 04, 2008 at 09:13 pm by Staff

March’s Australian Single Width Users Group will be ‘lean, green, safe and clean’ … and with its opening on Friday the 13th, it will need to be lucky,.... Read More