There's no news of showings in the Asia Pacific, but the 'Linotype: The Film' doco will be out on video this year.
Director and producer Doug Wilson still has no news of showing in Asia or Australasia, but says the best way to keep up-to-date with the film, screenings and DVD release is to sign up for our newsletter on our website: (in the right column).
"The film will be released on DVD in the early (northern) summer," he says.
Our earlier story about the development of the game-changing Merganthaler hot-metal linecaster included an invitation to add your own Linotype stories.
While a couple of hundred GXpress readers have viewed the story, we've only scored one readers story so far, apart from one from editor Peter Coleman.
We hope to publish the best stories in our March print edition, and would still welcome contributions.
Again, see the story at