WAN-Ifra workshop overview of contextual advertising

Mar 22, 2010 at 08:16 pm by Staff

Personalised advertising and content for individual readers offers huge potential for advertisers and publishers alike, and WAN-Ifra has organised an overview of the automated tools available. The workshop – on tools for contextual advertising and automatic news matching – will be held in Oslo, Norway, on April 15. Only 25 places are available. Full details at www.wan-ifra.org/contextworkshop Google AdSense is the best known and used example of contextual advertising, which displays advertisements based on the content displayed by the reader. But many sophisticated alternatives are rapidly entering the market. It can be anything from keywords accompanying editorial content, to advertisements that 'follow' users around, based on their browsing habits, to other tools that work to provide personalised advertisements and content of interest to individual users. "The workshop will focus on how publishers can increase the relevance, and improve their offerings, by matching articles with relevant advertisements, or by automatically matching their own editorial content with relevant blog posts or even with articles from other publishers on the same topic," said Kristina Bürén, executive director of the WAN-Ifra Nordic subsidiary organising the event. The workshop will be held in English and in Scandinavian languages. Participants will have an opportunity to evaluate how contextual advertising and content systems would work for them through meetings with five suppliers operating in Nordic markets. The suppliers will demonstrate their systems, talk about the latest developments and answer questions. They will also learn how several newspapers are already using such systems. Participants will also get an overview of how some newspapers are using such tools to increase revenue and interest.


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