SEANG plans second annual conference in November

Jul 28, 2009 at 08:00 pm by Staff

A three-day conference in November is planned for new newspaper technology group SEANG, which has GXpress and the Siam printing institute as its patrons.

South East Asia Newspaper Group will return to Bangkok for its second major event, to be held from November 18-20. Vice president Stephan Peters reports that the first day will be given over to social events including golf and a barbeque, with the business programme on the second and third days themed on ‘Improving production to help survival in a poor economy’.

“We also hope to attract many more newspapers to join us,” he says. “Several newspapers from Malaysia and Singapore are joining us, and we are talking to others in Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam.”

A brochure has been produced to promote the organisation, and a web page including a blog for members is planned.

• Download the brochure
• Email Stephan Peters
Sections: Newsmedia industry