Press assembly is beauty in the eye of the beholder

Jul 14, 2009 at 06:36 pm by Staff

Pretty as a picture? The stark industrial environment of manroland's press assembly halls is hardly the setting for an artists' colony. A local educational alliance between manroland and Augsburg University has led to a seminar on 'painting in an industrial environment' ... and this challenging scenario. Currently Tuesdays at manroland in Augsburg see an influx of ten young women, laden with easels and tubes of paint. Students of art pedagogics, they can choose from a range of subjects including the new headquarters being built, or history-steeped plant buildings. Some, like Angela Hauschild (30), feel quite at home in the workshop atmosphere of the assembly hall. Says aspiring art teacher Angela Hauschild, "The roomy atmosphere in the halls and the range of visual stimuli make it a treasure trove for artists. "My favorite motif so far is definitely the gearwheels with the aesthetic appeal of their shape/material combinations."
Sections: Print business