‘Four screen’ mobile publishing backed by single-invoice billing

Sep 25, 2012 at 11:44 pm by Staff

A clean slate approach will see West Virginia newspaper the ‘Dominion Post’ replace all its legacy publishing technology with Miles 33 systems.

The new ‘total solution’ will cover digital, mobile and print and will be used for editorial, advertising and web. It replaces an SII system and includes FutureProof for advertising management, the SAM AdPortal for self service, CMS3000 for billing and accounts receivables, GN4 for editorial content management, Tark4 for archiving, GNWeb for integrated web publishing, and GNXpedio, Miles’ four-screen mobile news and advertising product for iPhone, iPad, Android phones and tablets, desktop and TV.

Director of operations Chris Halterman says a strategic objective is to modernise publishing to include new digital channels and new revenue streams.

“We are excited to extend our partnership into the next era of digital publishing,” he says.

The 148-year-old Morgantown daily plays a key role in its local community and the nearby West Virginia University, providing news to local readers and the university’s alumni. It has been publishing online since 1996 and moved to a subscription-based model in 2005. The new system will let the newspaper extend its reach into the rapidly growing mobile market, driven largely by a large, young, college town community.

Delivering  ads to the new four-screen mobile strategy will represent several new lines of revenue, and the CMS3000 system will provide single invoices to multi-channel buyers, facilitating bundled ad packages.

Sections: Content & marketing